Published by Marvel Comics: May 13, 2015.
Rating 3.5/5
This was a decent issue, if not a great one. It's sort of a filler episode in Silk's life. It is nice that it's a very real life thing (anxiety) but put into a superhero context. As someone who's work life often produces anxiety that could metaphorically level a small town, it's interesting to see someone who's powers might let them do that dealing with the stress.
There is a great moment in the flashback as we saw Cindy's parents walking in on her having shot webbing everywhere. This is a great choice in that it's such the opposite of what Peter went through. I'm excited to see more of that storyline, but I'd like to spend some signifcant time there as opposed to slowly getting these flashbacks dolled out one page at a time.
Silk and Johnny Storm on a date was cute, though I'm not really shipping them that much. I'm sort of shipping #Pindy, to be honest. I think Peter's got a crush too (and not just the pheromones.
One thing to note, this issue had a guest artist with Annapaola Martello. As a big fan of the art in the first three issues, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss Stacey Lee's style as part of this book. Martello's are a little bit harsher on the lines and have a bit of an anime feel to them. It's not bad by any means, it's a different style and it looks nice throughout the book, but I am looking forward to Lee's return next issue.
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