Tony Stark is back and it would appear that he is no longer Superior. I like the new armor design, though I'm disappointed to see the dark version of Tony go. Bendis is a writer who I trust though, and he's told us that we're going to be getting some new, original characters to compliment Tony. Should be good. Put it in the pull file.

A-Force - Written by G. Willow Wilson. Art by Victor Ibanez.
Honestly not sure about this one. I'm often hesitant about any story where the cast/team is all anything. Whether it's all women, men, black, white, whatever, I feel like this can just be a hamstring on diverse stories. Unless the choice for the group to be exclusively X is driven heavily by a plot point, it feels forced very quickly. But that being said, Wilson has done a great job with Ms. Marvel (and I'm down to spend more time with She-Hulk), so I kind of feel compelled to give this a chance. I'll wait and see.

All-New All Different Avengers - Written by Mark Waid. Art by Adam Kubert and Mahmud Asrar. Color by Alex Ross.
Can't we just call this Avengers? I know intellectually that this lineup was chosen more by a "these are our most popular characters" formula, but I kind of don't care. You've got a great writer in Mark Waid and the lineup is Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Ms Marvel, Spider-Man, Nova, and The Vision. Sounds like a classic team right? It would except that it's actually Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Jane Foster, Kamala Khan, Miles Morales, Sam Alexander, and the Vision. That's a very different team, so I think there's potential here. Pulled.
Uncanny Avengers - Written by Gerry Duggan. Art by Ryan Stegman.
New lineup: Old Man Steve Rogers, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Rogue, Quicksilver, Brother Voodoo (yeah, I'm not familiar with him either), Deadpool, a Human Torch (Johnny Storm? Maybe?), and a mystery woman I can't place and neither, it seems, can anyone else. Even with Spider-Man and Steve Rogers, I'd be passing on this pretty quickly... except Deadpool being in there might mean this is going to be a really ridiculous book. I'll probably pick up issue #1.

New Avengers - Written by Al Ewing. Art by Gerardo Sandoval.
It's the newest Avengers team and the newest members of A.I.M.. Sunspot's new lineup includes Hulkling, Wiccan, Songbird, Hawkeye (Clint), and Squirrel Girl. That is probably the strangest lineup... ever. In a long list of really cool potentials, this one is a pass.

Ultimates - Written by Al Ewing. Art by Kenneth Rocafort.
Appears to be a successor to the Mighty Avengers book. Lineup: Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Spectrum, America Chavez, Blue Marvel, and... Galactus? The rest of the team is standing in the palm of Galactus and if only for that reason, I feel the need to read this. But that being the only reason, this is a maybe.

Doctor Strange - Written by Jason Aaron. Art by Chris Bachalo.
Doctor Strange gets a solo book? As my knowledge of Strange is fairly limited and the comic book nerd within me wants to get to know the character before the movie... pulled. (Also, doesn't hurt that Jason Aaron is penning this.)

Captain Marvel - Written by Tara Butters & Michele Fazekas. Art by Kris Anka.
To me, this was one of the biggest shockers in the previews book. We had already heard that Kelly Sue DeConnick was stepping down from Captain Marvel, much to fans' disappointments. But of all the writers Marvel could have given the book, did anyone expect Agent Carter showrunners Tara Butters & Michele Fazekas? Well, certainly not me, but I am extremely excited. I've also really liked the limited amount of art (mainly variant covers) that I've seen, so I'm really excited to see him regularly. Pulled.

Sam Wilson, Captain America - Written by Nick Spencer. Art by Daniel Acuna.
I like Sam as Cap, though his new run hasn't really sucked me in. But this cover art focusing on the strained relationship between Sam and Steve Rogers is intriguing. That's something I could be interested in reading regularly. Pulled.

The Totally Awesome Hulk - Written by Greg Pak. Art by Frank Cho.
This is frustrating. The Hulk's book has been rebooted so many times recently (Incredible Hulk, Indestructible Hulk, just Hulk), and it's felt like they're changing before they need to. I loved the Banner as a SHIELD agent story and then it went away. I wasn't sure about Doc Green but just I started to love it, Secret Wars came along and then BOOM, no more Hulk. BUT, I love a good mystery and I'll be interested to see how Bruce Banner plays into this story and this new Hulk's life. I'll check out issue #1.

The Mighty Thor - Written by Jason Aaron. Art by Russell Dauterman.
With Jane Foster's face finally right on the cover, this one looks to be a simple continuation from the recent Thor book. Of course, with that in mind, I'm not sure why they needed to add back the "Mighty." Pulled.

Scarlet Witch - Written by James Robinson. Art by TBD. Color Art by Kevin Wada.
In the wake of her popularity post Age of Ultron, it makes sense to give Wanda her own solo book. I like her character... but not enough to follow her into a solo. Pass.

Ms. Marvel - Written by G. Willow Wilson. Art by Takeshi Miyazawa & Adrian Alphona. Color by Takeshi Miyazawa.
Yeah, Kamala is back... and probably exactly as good as her first volume. Pulled.

Illuminati - Written by Josh Williamson. Art by Shawn Crystal. Color by Riley Rosmo.
I recognize The Absorbing Man, The Hood, a bunch of others and Comic Book Resources suggests one of them could be Eric O'Grady?! I do love a good Ant-Man, but still... pass.

Hawkeye - Written by Jeff Lemire. Art by Ramon Perez.
Old Man Hawkeye and young female Hawkeye. I honestly didn't read any of the previous Hawkeye book, so I'll pass on this one as well.

Ant-Man - Written by Nick Spencer. Art by Ramon Rosanas. Color by Mark Brooks.
Another book that I've been reading and just didn't really need a renumbering. The cover art here is cool. We see Scott Lang and a group of villains that are presumably joining Lang's private security team.The most intriguing part of the image for me though, is the giant man in the background. Could that be... Giant-Man? As in, THE Giant-Man? Hank Pym? I would love to see Pym get involved in Lang's life again. Pulled.

The Vision - Written by Tom King. Art by Gabriel H. Walta. Color Art by Marcos Martin.
Similar to Scarlett Witch, this is obviously in reaction to Age of Ultron and just like Wanda. While I like this character, it's not enough to get me through the $4 cover charge. Pass.

Contest of Champions - Written by Al Ewing. Art by Paco Medina.
Is this a weird adaptation of the mobile fighting game? On the cover we see lots of heroes in crystal capsules (the game unlocks heroes with crystals) as the Maestro Hulk holds up a Caesar like thumb over a match of classic looking Venom vs Black Vortex Gamora... weird. Not sure what to think here so I'm going to be waiting for more details.

Amazing Spider-Man - Written by Dan Slott. Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli. Color Art by Alex Ross.
SIGH OF RELIEF. When they announced Miles Morales taking over as New York's Spider-Man, my only was that I wouldn't get any more Dan Slott Spider-Man stories. Of course, I don't know what to think, because it looks like Peter Parker has taken Parker Industries and himself to Japan. That's... different. Well, either way, pulled.

Carnage - Written by Gerry Conway. Art by Mike Perkins. Color Art by Mike Del Mundo.
Not a huge Carnage fan, but if you like the character, the art looks cool here. Pass for me, though.

Spider-Woman - Written by Dennis Hopeless. Art by Javier Rodriguez.
Jessica Drew is pregnant?! I hadn't been reading Spider-Woman post Spider-Verse, but this is a pretty big shift for the character that could provide some very interesting storylines. Considering it.

Spider-Man - Written by Brian Michael Bendis. Art by Sara Pichelli.
So Miles Morales is officially New York's Spider-Man. He even gets a title without a qualifier! Good for you Miles! Yeah, I'm gonna check this one out. With Bendis (seemingly the busiest Marvel writer working right now) writing, it should be a good read, so I'm looking forward to checking it out.

Spider-Gwen - Written by Jason Latour. Art by Robbi Rodriguez.
This is a book that I've been very curious about in terms of it's post-Secret Wars life. The whole idea of Secret Wars is to simplify the Marvel lineup into a single universe, but Spider-Gwen, by the book's very nature belongs in a seperate universe. It's fun because of the alternate universe versions of characters like Lieutenant Frank Castle or Uncle Ben. So what will they do with Gwen? Well, it looks like, at least for a while, it'll be a flashback story telling the origin story of Gwen and Peter. Could that last long enough for an ongoing run? Maybe... we'll have to see. Either way, pulled.
Silk - Written by Robbie Thompson. Art by Stacey Lee. Color by Helen Chen.
Another book that I have been reading, will continue to read, and didn't really need a renumbering. Silk has been a character that caught me a little by surprise and the great team of Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee will continue to make this among my most looked forward to books each month. Pulled.

Spider-Man 2099 - Written by Peter David. Art by Will Sliney. Color by Francesco Mattina.
Marvel totally got me! This was a book that when they said it was done, I totally believed them. But we get more Miguel O'Hara. Awesome new costume design on this cover. I'm curious if they're going to carry over any of the Avengers 2099 storyline that Secret Wars is using. I'll be reading as long as the story stays as good as it has been.

The 7th and most spider filled Spider book in Marvel's lineup, Web Warriors looks to be the true successor to Spider-Verse. Featuring the same team in the Secret Wars Spider-Verse book, we've got Spider-Gwen, Spider-India, Spider-UK, Spider-Woman (Anya Corazon), Spider-Man Noir, and possibly the greatest spider of all... Spider-Ham. I would be all the more excited if Secret Wars Spider-Verse had been stronger so far. Costa has the voices of the characters down, but the story has been slow moving so far. Here's hoping the freedom from the Battleworld insanity gives them room for a story they really enjoy. Side note: this would explain why the Spider-Gwen book is going to flashback mode. If only for that reason, I'll be checking it out.

Daredevil - Written by Charles Soule. Art by Ron Garney.
Is that Gambit hanging out with Daredevil... as his apprentice? With Mark Waid stepping aside and Charles Soule (She-Hulk, Superman Wonder Woman), this will definitely be a different direction for the Devil of Hell's Kitchen to take. I'm gonna wait to see the reviews.

"The raccoon is in charge." Yeah, that's what the tagline says. Since it's 2013 relaunch, Guardians has still maintained it's core team (while rotating out guest members like Tony Stark, Venom, and Captain Marvel), but not anymore it would seem. Can I just say, CRAZIEST LINE UP YET. Rocket Raccoon, Drax, and Groot are back, but Gamora is absent and although there is someone wearing Star-Lord's mask and carrying the element guns... but it's a woman! Could this be Kitty Pryde? I don't see her in the lineup of any of the X-Men books, but if this means that Peter and Kitty broke up, I am not okay with this! StarKitty forever! Oh and if that wasn't enough Venom is back and The Thing is there too! Ben Grimm... in space. Pulled for now, assuming that Bendis keeps up the good work he's been doing on the book so far.

Drax - Written by CM Punk with Cullen Bunn. Art by Ed McGuinness.
I was never really excited about the Guardians getting their own solo books. Legendary Star-Lord was a pleasant surprise, but Rocket Raccoon and Groot didn't really grab me. To that end, I like Drax as part of the Guardians team, but I'm gonna pass on his solo outing.
Howard the Duck - Written by Chip Zdarsky. Art by Joe Quinones.
I've really enjoyed the seriously self aware humor that Zdarsky has given to Howard in the first couple issues. And hey... he's getting a new hat. I'll check it out, as long as it's released on a week that isn't already making me broke.
Nova - Written by Sean Ryan. Art by Cory Smith. Color by Humberto Ramos.
Looks like Sam Alexander is finally going to get his dad back. If I'd been reading Nova, recently I'd be more excited. As it is, I liked Sam's story, but not enough to dive back in here. Pass.

Star-Lord - Written by Sam Humphries. Art by Dave Johnson.
Legendary Star-Lord was a surprising book and I've been a loyal Humphries reader ever since. With the Black Vortex storyline wrapped up and the cover for Guardians of the Galaxy suggesting that Peter is stepping away from his team, who knows where this book will take our 80s tune singing hero. One question, the tagline brings in Foreigner to tell us that whatever the story will be, is gonna "feel like the very first time." Will this be an origin story? If not, first time for what? Also: digging to the classic space suit look. Pulled.

Venom: SpaceKnight - Written by Robbie Thompson. Art by Ariel Olivetti.
This might be the book I'm most excited about in this lineup, if only because it's the title I was least expecting to exist. I really only got to know the Flash version of Venom via Guardians, but I've been a big fan ever since. There's just something fun and interesting about the character and the truly symbiotic relationship that he shares with the Symbiote. No doubt in my mind, pulled.

Howling Commandos of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Written by Frank Barbiere. Art by Brent Schoonover.
Another title I was not expecting. The lineup under Dum-Dum Dugan's tutelage appears to be: Man-Thing, a Werewolf, a zombie agent that is supposedly Jasper Sitwell, Hit Monkey, and a few other monsters I can't identify. Now, if that's not a group of howling commandos, I don't know what is. As I'm in the middle of reading Secret Warriors which features Dum Dum a bit, I'm actually very excited to see where this goes. I'll check out issue #1.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Written by Marc Guggenheim. Art by Mike Norton.
Mark Waid's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been a fantastic adaptation of the show into the Marvel comics universe. Waid had a great way of making it really feel like the TV show on glossy paper. I'm not familiar with Marc Guggenheim's work in comics, and his two film credits of Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters and 2011's Green Lantern don't inspire great confidence but I love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so much, I will still consider this pulled.

Uncanny Inhumans - Written by Charles Soule. Art by Steve McNiven.
Marvel continues to push Inhumans as much as they possibly can, in the hopes that they can effectively replace the mutants in the MCU. From this art, it looks like Black Bolt will be returning full time to lead the Inhumans along with Medusa. The Reader is in the top right and he's definitely a fun character, though here's hoping they bring Gordon (from Agents of SHIELD) into the mix as well. (#WeWantGordon) If only because of Agents of SHIELD, I will definitely be reading this book. Pulled.

Karnak - Written by Warren Ellis. Art by Gerardo Zaffino. Color by David Aja.
Beyond the fact that Karnak is an Inhuman, I am pretty much completely unfamiliar with this character. That alone makes this a bit intriguing for me, but just thinking about how many times I've written "pulled" on this post so far, pass.

Angela: Asgard's Assassin - Written by Marguerite Bennet. Art by Kim Jacinto & Stephanie Hans. Color by Julian Totino Tedesco.
Similar to Venom, I really enjoyed Angela's time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, but I never really got into Angela's solo adventures. The tagline "Hel hath a new fury" is intriguing, as it seems to imply that Angela goes somewhat bad in this storyline. Still, for me, it's a pass.

Squadron Supreme - Written by James Robinson. Art by Leonard Kirk. Color by Alex Ross.
This is an interesting book. Much like the Golden Age, Squadron Supreme comes off as Marvel's version of the Justice League. And you're thinking, "don't you mean the Avengers?" Well, this is more so Hyperion, for example, is such a direct ripoff of Superman that he was sent away from his home planet as a baby. The cover has Hyperion, a guy with a glowing ring, a dark clad man with a utility belt, and at least two warrior women. For this reason alone, I'm curious. I'll wait for the review, but I think it'll be worth an issue #1.

The first of three X-Men titles. The Extraordinary lineup looks like it'll be: Storm, Colossus, Iceman (present day), Magik, Jean Grey (young), Nightcrawler, and Old Man Logan. That's a pretty crazy lineup. These are all very classic X-Men, but this feels like a very eclectic team, almost too eclectic. Although these guys will make an explosive action team, and Humberto Ramos (Amazing Spider-Man) is bound to make it looks awesome, I'm not invested in any of the relationships between these characters. Outside of Colossus and Magik, I'm not even sure there's much drama to be had. Maybe this will be the X-Men book that focuses on the school and the bigger X-Men team... only time will tell, but I'll probably check out issue #1.

Uncanny X-Men - Written by Cullen Bunn. Art by Greg Land.
I've been a loyal reader of Uncanny X-Men since the relaunch with Cyclops at the head of it. But that lineup (including Eva, Triage, Goldballs, and everyone else) has (presumably) moved elsewhere. the new Uncanny lineup? Magneto, Mystique, Sabertooth, Psylocke, and Fantomex. Comics Alliance, makes a good point, that this may be a sort of continuation of the Magneto solo book. I've been enjoying Magneto, although I'm 3 or 4 issues behind. I'll have to catch up on the Magneto series before I make a call here.

My favorite X-Men title before Secret Wars, I'm relieved to see that this book did not go away, although I am sorry to see Bendis go from the title. The drama around this little group of teenage mutants has been a great read. The original X-Men team plus a young, sexy, female Wolverine? It sounds like a marketing ploy, but damned if the dynamic didn't just work. But that's why I'm disspointed that it looks like Jean Grey has left the team. Not only was her struggle one of the things I really like about this title, it shrinks the male to female ratio of this team down to the original 4:1. We do have the recently outed Iceman to keep diversity going but still, would have loved Jean to stick around. I'll continue to pull... for now.

Old Man Logan - Written by Jeff Lemire. Art by Andrea Sorrentino.
So Wolverine died not too long ago, but really, did you expect him to stay dead for very long? No, of course not. But, were you expecting him to only come back as an old man? If you did, I'll wager you're lying. I like this surprise and I think this a good place to go with the character. Especially how he interacts with others in the Marvel Universe as an old man, could be very cool. I'll wait and see, although I am very intrigued.

All-New Wolverine - Written by Tom Taylor. Art by David Lopez.
So Laura Kinney (X-23) is now the Marvel Universe's official Wolverine. That's... unexpected? I'm by no means one of the crazies who will inevitably get mad about this, I'm just kind of indifferent to it. I like Laura, and will continue to read about her in All-New X-Men, but I think I'll pass on this this one unless I hear some very positive reviews.

Deadpool - Written by Gerry Duggan. Art by Mike Hawthorne. Color by Tony Moore.
I've been looking for an excuse to jump into Deadpool regularly. I think this may be just that opportunity. I'll be taking it off the shelves.